Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Ideals contained in the NAEYC and DEC codes of ethics that are meaningful to me:

"To work to ensure that appropriate assessment systems, which include multiple sources of information, are used for purposes that benefit children" (NAEYC, 2005 1.4.5).

Response: This is significant to my professional life in that, too often we as educators fail our students and limit their capacity to grow and excel through one type of assessment, which is "paper and pen" which is Formative assessment. There are numerous ways of assessing students capabilities. A few of these strategies are Portfolio, Journals, Observations, Checklists, Running Records, Reflections and many others.

"We shall provide services and supports to children and families fairly and equitably while respecting families’ culture, race, language, socioeconomic status, marital status, and sexual orientation" (The Division for Early Childhood, 2009).

Response: Each child has the right to high-quality services and support. Absolutely, no child should be discriminated against or denied this rights irrespective of any of the above diversities. All must be treated with equity and fairness by all whom they come in contact with. But more so, professionals who have the required training and expertise. 

"To encourage and support the continual development of employees in becoming more skilled and knowledgeable practitioners" (NAEYC, 2005, 1.3C.4).

Response: According to John Dewey, "Education is a continuum." With that said, all individuals who serve children and their families must be engaged in continuous development. They should be engaged in current trends and issues that have to do with early childhood education. Keep abreast with current research; engage in in-service and external training. They should seize every opportunity to be in the know. Yearly, I am engaged in various training such as First Aid, Universal Precautions and Child Abuse.


The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.dec-sped.org/

NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26,2010, from https://class.content.laureate.net/f22c2d62cbbee7b74d4fee1963c5e692.pdf


  1. Hi Sherida!
    Thanks for sharing the ideals of the codes of ethics that are meaningful to you. You chose important ideals that we have to have in mind when working with the children and their families. I also agree with your last statement that we have to keep updated about current research, issues and trends in our work as early childhood professionals.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Providing children and families the support they need is very important to me as well.

  3. Sherida, great post! I enjoyed how you how you let us know how we are not doing the best job with our students and giving them the support they need. Too often kids fall to the waist side due to lack of attention to detail.

    1. Sherida, I like your post! It was very insightful and it opened my eyes to the lack there of for our kids and what they don't receive.

    2. I have written twice on Sherida post. Its showing up as unknown (Lakisha Shelley).

    3. Hi Lakisha Shelley,
      I thank you for commenting on my blog. I am happy that my posts are insightful. I apologize for the inconvenience of having unknown showing up on my page. I have tried numerous time to correct the error by adding you to my Reading list. However, I have received a message that the blogger has not allowed me access to view profile, hence the identity is unknown. It would lovely if you could open your page so I can have access and learn more about you. Thank you for understanding.

    4. Hi Lakisha Shelley,
      Guest what? I have discovered that there were two blog addresses posted in the blog link forum and I was using the one posted first, so I actually revisited the board and I saw the latter link and I have found you!

  4. Hello Sherida!
    I take this opportunity to thank you for the support provided during this course! Thank you for always having positive and motivational words for me. I have learned a lot from you these past months and I am glad I was able to have the opportunity to meet you through Walden. I wish you the best of success in the next courses that remain to be taken and I know that you will continue to do an excellent job in your school as a principal. Those children and their families are fortunate to have such a committed, passionate and dedicated leader with the well-being of all of them like you. Definitely the field of early childhood needs many more individuals like you! Keep shining and doing your best.
    Best wishes!

  5. Hi! Thanks for sharing a little look inside your life, and ket things from this class. Wishing you the best in the future!!!

    1. Hi Stacey!
      Thank you. The same and more can be said about you. Thank you for your sterling contribution to this course and I wish for you all the best in future courses. Keep in touch!


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