"The Little Red Hen"


The title of a children's book you love and what you love about it.

I have selected "The Little Red Hen" as my children's book because whenever I share this story with my students, it can be a significantly interactive moment with my students repeating the lines of the various animals in the information. It also teaches students that cooperation and engaged in multiple activities can be rewarding. It speaks to Cooperative Learning as each student takes on a role.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Sherida!

    "The Little Red Hen" is one of the children's favorite books. I remember when we read the book in my classroom and all of the kids were super excited and everyone wanted to take a role. We had to read the book several times so that all of them had the opportunity to play a character's role. They really enjoyed the reading.

  3. This book is such a classic, with an awesome meaning everyone can use.


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